Sunday, June 30, 2013

Single-Minded in a Multi-Tasking World

I Kings 19:19-21 II Kings 2: 1-8 Luke 9:51-62 Increasingly, we are surrounded by competing priorities and pressures. Immediate Family, Work, Extended family, Mortgage debt, School loans... What must we do to get our kids through High school and College? Will Cancer treatments work? Will Marital counseling help? Throughout all human history, we each have been searching for the same thing, called by a wide variety of names, but it is all the same: Paradise, Heaven, Tranquility, Peace, Home. In response to all the other stuff of life, there is one single-minded reality, One-ness with ourselves, one-ness with God, True Communion, Spiritually Centered, Completion. This single-minded search is why we marry, why we search for our career vocation, why we have children, why we join a church, why we align with different parties, why we pray. HOWEVER, in the midst of all the competing priorities, all of the distractions and complaints, as we multi-task listening to the news, while holding a conversation with our loved ones, while texting or cooking or cleaning, that “spiritual homing mechanism” becomes one more competing goal instead of listening to our true self. The only answer to life's competing questions and pleas, is to be single-minded in faith. A week ago, as we read together, the Great Prophet Elijah as an act of faith had taken on 450 prophets of Baal, King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, Elijah had called down fire from heaven and it happened, his sacrifice, his altar, even the water it was all soaking in was utterly consumed, whereupon he killed all 450 prophets of Baal. When confronted what he had done, Elijah ran away, ran away from the Promised Land, ran away from himself, ran away from God, searching for a cave, a particular cave, the home where God had hidden Moses Moses needed assurance from God. But finding that place, meeting God on Elijah's own terms, still God was not in the fire, flood, wind, or earthquake. After listening to Elijah, God gave the prophet a list of things to do, acts of faith to follow. Anoint a king for Samaria, anoint a king for Israel, anoint a king for Judah, anoint these persons as priests and these as prophets, and anoint Elisha as a companion to continue your work of faith. Seeing a possible way out, Elijah goes looking for Elisha. Now this is a strange circumstance, because Elisha was plowing in the field working with 12 yoke of oxen, when Elijah draped his mantle over Elisha. On a crowded street corner, in an elevator, as an act of worship for a religious leader to drape their stole over another is possible, but Elisha would have been in the middle of this huge field being plowed, and he did not see Elijah coming? Immediately, Elsiha responds. Allow me to build an altar, allow me to sacrifice these 24 oxen, allow me to break the plow and use the wood to create a great fire, allow me to cook the meat and feed the poor, allow me to say goodbye to my family, and I will follow. Everything about Elisha's response emphasizes his single-minded commitment, he can have no turning back. He will have no Oxen, no plow, no field, he will have used these to make a sacrifice to Gods and to feed the community, he will even have left his parents for ever. It seems a paradox then, that when Jesus meets followers on the road who want to wait to bury a father, or dispose of a single pair of oxen, Jesus says NO. But the point is that they are distracted that these other responsibilities are just as important, even that they must be done first, where Elisha is acting in faith to make the commitment. Where Elisha had only been asked to act as a companion with Elijah, the text jumps to Elijah's final day. While Elijah and the prophets and priests of every community are distracted by this, Elisha has a single goal: “Wherever you go, I go, I will follow you to the very end and continue your calling.” Even when asked directly by Elijah what Elisha wants, he describes “Double Your Faith” which is not a quantity matter, but to know what you have done in life and continue that work to completion. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his classic treatise The Cost of Discipleship, names that the most costly final sacrifice is giving up our own self-will, our desire for what we want in order to serve as God uses us. The Gospel of Luke is different from the other Gospels. Up until this point, Luke has pretty strictly adhered to the biography laid out by Mark, yet at this point in Mark's Gospel Jesus sets his face to Jerusalem and he goes there. In Luke, when Jesus sets his face to go to Jerusalem, it is the beginning of 10 chapters of teaching along the road to Jerusalem and he and the disciples do not arrive until Chapter 18. The Samaritans as an outgrowth of Judaism were also seeking the Messiah sent from God, and they listened and followed Jesus as a possibility. But the Samaritans were seeking a Messiah who would meet them where they were, affirm their holy places as sacred, and settle with them. When Jesus set his face on Jerusalem, when he accepted that single-minded goal, the Samaritans rejected him. In the other Gospels, these occurrences along the road are times for teaching about discipleship. But the focus of Luke's Gospel is not about Discipleship, at every occurrence the Disciples of Jesus do wrong, they fall asleep, they are incompetent. For Jesus to set his face of Jerusalem, in Luke, is naming of why the incarnation happened, what God is doing here. As stated so simply in the Gospel of John, God so loved the world, God gave God's only begotten child. Luke's entire Gospel is description of what that gift means. When the Disciples ask if like Elijah they should command fire to come down from heaven to consume the Samaritans, Jesus says NO. He does not act in retaliation or vengeance or hate or anger. Jesus acts in compassion and one-ness with those in need. Jesus single-mindedness is assurance that the fulfillment of his life as this gift of God, demonstrating God's own single-minded absolute love, is to suffer for others and die on the cross to bring us into relationship with God. As each of these followers come to Jesus, he responds with statements that have been taken out of the story: Foxes have holes, Birds have nests but the son of Man has no where.” “Let the dead bury the Dead.” “Anyone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.” Within this story, these are demonstrations, that the single-minded nature of faith requires abandoning honor and prestige. How many people have described meeting Mother Theresa, or meeting Gandhi, yet each was doing the work of God not looking for followers. Jesus' foxes and birds metaphor is the paradox that while all of us seek that relationship, that place within ourselves and in the world where we can be at one, that place of home, the Messiah sent from God has no Home, because his whole life is about bringing us into full commitment and relationship. The point is not about abandoning the dying, abandoning responsibility, or abandoning family, but rather that at times these competitions for our attention, for our priority, mean that we continually react and respond rather than following our faith. This is not about seeking safety or security, or sanctuary from our problems. The single-mindedness of which we speak is devotion of ourselves to full commitment, to complete communion with God and the needs of others. The Great Italian Composer of Operas Puccini was working on a final opera “Turandot.” He was gravely ill and gathered his students together, telling them that this work was more important than anything he had done, and if he had not completed it when he died, their responsibility as his disciples was to complete the symphony for him. Toscanini conducted the debut performance without an ending. The following evening, the audience sat in rapture listening. When suddenly, the conductor named “This is as far as the Master got. This is our fulfillment of his calling.” The completed work is described as the greatest of all Puccini's masterpieces. What are we searching for? And How can we devote ourselves to helping one another.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Identity in the Silences", June 23, 2013

I Kings 19: 8:15 Luke 8: 26-39 We create ridiculous expectations. At Graduations, at Weddings, Anniversaries, even Funerals, we expect someone to stand up and hand us Wisdom that will satisfy. At 5am this morning, there were already 150 folding chairs set up around the Gazebo. We expect Salutatorian, Valedictorian, Commencement speakers, Scholarships; yet for 13 years, since our children were in Kindergarden, what we looked forward to was leaping in the lake. No one will remember the words said this day or any of those days. Years ago, here in the Village, the clergy tried to have a Baccalaureate and not only could we not get the graduates or families to come, we could not even get the teachers, Principal or Superintendent, because they all wanted to be at Bacchanalia parties. The point of this morning is not a David Thoreau's Walden “Go off into the wilderness, searching for silence and solitude!” But afterward, when in the night you awake to find you have a spouse sleeping on the pillow, when after 9 months you lay your baby on the mattress, when the party is over, when the last relative leaves, when your graduate is left at College, there will be SILENCE. And in that silence the identity question, “What are you doing here?” or as spoken by Legion: “What has God to do with my life?” The point of the story of Elijah, was not that God is NOT in Earth, Wind, Fire or Silence. Just before this, is one of the most dramatic Miracle Stories of the Old Testament, the Man of God stood up before the entire Nation, with confidence and resolve questioning everyone: “How long will you try limping in two opposite directions?” Either worship and serve the Fertility Idols made by your own hands, or serve God. Human culture has continually told us that we are lacking, we are in need, and fulfillment will come with New Shoes, a Car, the Lottery, purchase of some thing not in us. Elijah boldly stands in opposition to 450 Prophets of Cultural Worship. Almost 500 Prophets choose the best sacrifice, and pray together, and whip and beat themselves to attract attention, to stimulate feeling, but nothing. Old Man Elijah, with his own hands, lays one boulder atop another to make an altar to God. Elijah sacrifices a bull, then lays half a steer, on top of half a steer. He has 12 buckets of water poured over it. Then Elijah prays to God and God responds with lightning bolts from heaven to consume the sacrifice and all the water. Arrogantly, boldly, with absolute dominance in his belly, Elijah sacrifices all 450 prophets of Baal. Suddenly, in the silence after the contest is over, Elijah loses his nerve, loses his own prophetic voice, questioning “Who am I? What has God to do with me?” God did not need to be present in a miracle in earth, wind or fire, God had already shown the King, all the Nation and World the power of God, and God's relationship with Elijah who believed in God. Perhaps like me, you have discovered there are times, when what we want most of all is to be heard, to state our case and be proven right; but what this story tells us is often what we want is to be able to hear ourselves, as God reminds us that there are still 7000 other believers who also never gave up on God. I think when JR Tolkien set out to write The Lord of The Rings, he patterned the character of Gollum/Smeagol after this creature Jesus finds at Garrison. Abandoned, unclean, no longer Human, unable to wear clothes, unable to stand upright, hurting himself and hurting others, shackled with broken chains, he dwells among tombs and graves. When asked his name, this stranger does not say “I am Possessed by a Demon” because in truth he is more than possessed, he is occupied by an army of demons, the Roman Legion was 6000 voices and weapons laying siege to a place and people. One of the points of this story, is how often we allow circumstances, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a divorce, to define who we are. Our language is painfully clear, when we make someone an “invalid” what we are saying is they are “In-Valid” when we claim a handicap, we are labeling a person as “incapable or incompetent.” What Jesus does first is to listen and to treat the man as a human being. As vegan animal rights people of the 21st Century, we may react to this story, that Jesus sent the demons into poor pigs, who ran off a cliff, or as capitalists we may identify with those who owned the pigs. But in that time and culture, pigs like these spirits were horrible, unclean, creatures of destruction, and what was left when they were gone was a whole human being, a rational and compassionate mind. Naturally the first request of one who had been chained, who had been shunned, who had been treated as less than human for a lifetime was “Take me with you” but Jesus sent him into his own community, his own people to describe what God had done for him. Often times, particularly in the Silences of life, we question our identity. Ironically, for the last 100 years our search for identity has been, if abstracted from everything else, if we could go back and fix our relationship with our Mother, our Father, who are we, pure and whole without anything else. However, a great part of who and what we are, we develop in relationship with our community, and with God. We cannot live unto ourselves without God. So the Baptismal question in times of silence is “Almighty God, What would you have me do?”

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Forgive Us Our Shame", June 16, 2013

I Kings 21: 1-7 Luke 7: 36-8: 3 This morning, Father's Day, we read a story of a great community feast in which Jesus is invited. And in the Town of Skaneateles, Father's Day is the day of a great feast! We are mortal creatures, which more than meaning that we were born and will die, identifies routines of daily living. Every day, we Sleep and Work and take Meals. Some meals are in isolation, some are very public like a Wedding Feast or the Rotary Pancake Breakfast, all are filled with circumstances of ritual and expectations. We know it will be difficult parking and given how much rain we have had, that the grass around Allyn arena will be wet. We knowing as we enter there will be this long line, as you see and are seen by the whole Village. We know there will be Sticky Plastic Checkered Table cloths. Before we are given food, we will have that plastic sleeve with napkin, fork, knife, spoon, salt and pepper. We know the smells of the Band and the Sound of cooking, and the feel of the cement beneath our folding chairs.This morning from Luke we read the story of a great feast, with circumstances of ritual and expectations. In human history, in addition to being Mortal, we have become Creatures of Commerce. Increasingly over the last decade, our worth, our measure, the minutes of the day and years of our lives are measured in dollars and cents, not simply in quantity but quality valued above all else. The difficulty, identified in this story of Ahab, as well as the Housing Boom and Bust, Inflation and Recession, is whether there are things beyond monetary value? Whether integrity has limits? Whether Promised Land and inheritance still have meaning, or does everything in our world have a price? If so, then the wealthiest and most powerful bully has the ability to manipulate, to accuse and destroy, to put to death, to cover-up scandal. In each story there are three characters. Can we agree, right up front, that NONE of US is God? As much as we want to believe and to follow, none of us, are able to put ourselves into the position of being God or Jesus Christ. Which in each passage leaves two identities. Rather than claiming we are always Sheep at Jesus' Right Hand, and Sinners are Goats always at the left. We recognize some of each in each of us. As we begin interpreting, we recognize the name Ahab. There is reason why, Herman Melville in Moby Dick, chose this as the name of the flawed Sea Captain. Ahab is an Obsessed man, willing to sacrifice everything to get vengeance. No price, not even the sacrifice of his leg or his boat or his crew, are too great compared with getting what he wants. Ahab's identifying characteristic is that he has sacrificed a part of himself, and replaced it with a lifeless block of wood. In Moby Dick with a wooden leg, in the Bible with the wooden fertility idols of Baal. Also, we know that a Jezebel is one who puts themselves and their desires above all else. A Jezebel is one who will sell themselves to control what they want. In this case, Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, is willing and able to set herself up as if GOD. All this we know before the story ever opens. King Ahab is now Monarch over All Israel, Samaria and Sidon. Ahab has the entire Nation, Israel's Economy and Military and Government as his power. Anything, everything, and everyone, he controls. But from the window of his summer palace, King Ahab is able to see the Vineyard of his Neighbor, Naboth. In the Bible, there are certain words that carry meaning. “Vineyard” reminds us of the Garden of Eden, Paradise, which God created and we were intended to care for but trying to control we lost! Over and over, in Jesus' parables, when he names a Vineyard, it is a symbol of God's Created Order, Promised Land. And “Neighbor,” given Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, always reminds us of our responsibility to care for others, to put ourselves out by attending to the needs of those weak or in trouble. All of which sets up, that Ahab wants his neighbor's land. He will trade anything for it, or pay any price. However, to Naboth, this Vineyard is not Real Estate to purchase or sell, this was the Promised Land given to his ancestors, and inherited generation after generation. Identification with The “Promised Land,” Moses, David, Solomon, these are what Ahab had forgot. And even the King could not by eminent domain, over-rule the Law of Promised Land and Inheritance. As the most powerful man, who is blocked from what he wants, Ahab is Depressed and goes to Bed. Jezebel is willing to play God, and give Ahab what he wants. She writes Letters with his signature and seal, to have Naboth accused not only of Treason against the King, but Blasphemy against Israel's God. The problem of Capital Punishment, is that errors have been made. Power has been abused. Naboth is stoned to death and his blood runs into the ground. Remember Cain and Abel? Ahab cannot avoid the Prophet Elijah, like Cain with God, he knows he has done wrong and will be punished for all eternity. The passage from Luke appears in each of the Gospels. In Matthew and Mark, a woman anoints Jesus' head with oil as preparation for his death and burial. In Luke's Gospel, I think we need to first recall a story from John. Jesus was writing in the dirt, when the crowd bring forth a prostitute who was caught in the act and they want him to judge her to be stoned to death. Jesus never even looks up, but says, “Let the one who is without sin, cast the first stone.” One by one, they all go away, and Jesus refuses to condemn the woman of the City. Imagine a public meal like the Father's Pancake Breakfast. Simon is a Pharisee. The Pharisees were not Pastors, not Priests, not Prophets. Pharisees were Powerful Aristocrats, Highly educated Judges, who knew and manipulated the Law, judges who liked to name other people's sins and condemn them. Jesus was in town, so Simon had to invite him. On the one hand, if he turned out to be the Messiah, to be able to say he was the first to have Jesus over for dinner! Making another your guest, created a debt of gratitude, to be called in and repaid at a later date. On the other hand, if Jesus turned out to be a fraud, Simon would show no kindness to him, and be able to say, “He ate at my house, but I gave him nothing.” Envision the woman of the City. She is not strident. She is not pretentious or powerful. She knows what she has done, and who she is, and how others judge her. She is un-named. The only clothing she would have would be those of a prostitute. She would have the aroma of cheap perfume, and liquor seeping out of of her pores. Her long braided hair piled high to reveal the nakedness of her neck and shoulders and ears. Her make-up smeared. Piercings and markings from her earlier life would never come off. Of all human emotions, shame is among the most destructive. The importance of shame is feeling embarrassment, knowing when we cross boundaries or violate taboos. But when bullied, when day after day we are pushed and embarrassed and made to feel less than equal less than human, we bow our heads, and slump our shoulders, as if weighed down by an oxen's yoke. This woman, who earlier on that day had been publicly shamed, yet Jesus protected her from being judged, from being killed, she walked through the crowd to kneel behind Jesus and touch him. Touch is important in the Bible. Last week, there was one story after another about touching a dead body, and being unclean, or offering life from the Savior to the one who was dead. Here, the Prostitute's touch is intimate. For water to wash his feet she weeps sincere tears. Instead of a towel, she lets down and uses her own hair. She kisses his feet, the act of one whose life has been spared for the one who saved them. How Jesus left that dinner, is not described. But for the woman, where she entered stooped, she left without burden, without sin, walking as a whole human being who has given themselves in acts of love. In recent decades, there has been a silly argument between Churches. Whether when translating the Prayer Jesus' Taught do we say “Debts and Debtors” or “Trespasses and those who trespass Against Us” or “Sins and Those who sin against us”? In the world today, I think all of these have become words distant and meaningless to us, and perhaps what we want and need to pray is FORGIVE US OUR SHAME as WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE SHAMED US.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9, 2013 Children's Leadership Sunday "Life-Saving"

I’m from this little town named Zarapheth, in the Middle East. You’ve probably never been there, but once there was this guy named Elijah who showed up on our doorstep. He asked my mom for some bread and water. She was good with the water, but she didn’t want to give him our last bit of food, and she told him so. My dad had been dead for a couple of years – she’d tried to provide for both of us, but it was really hard on her. And then the drought came and dried up all the wheat plants she’d planted, so we were down to our last bit. He told her that her oil jug and flour jar would never give out until the drought was over. She didn’t believe him, but fed him anyway, hoping beyond hope that the Lord would provide for us. She fed the two of us, as well, but for me it was a little too late. In the morning, she found me dead. She ran to get Elijah, and told him that I was dead. She was wailing and stuff – hard to understand. When Elijah saw me, he cried out to God, “O Lord my God, why have you brought tragedy to this widow who has opened her home to me, causing her son to die?” Then, according to the neighbors, he laid his body over mine three times, asking the Lord to let my life return to my body. And the Lord did, which is why I’m standing in front of you today, a living miracle. Thanks be to God for miracles. I Kings 17:8-24 Realize that the name Zarapheth is pretty obscure. Zarapheth only occurs 3 times in the whole Bible. First, when the people were following God with Moses in the Wilderness. And the people revolted against God and Moses, Zarapheth is identified as one of the few who did not turn away from God or Moses. When they came to the Promised Land and were about to enter Jericho, Joshua divided up the land for each of the families by their father's name. And the daughters of Zarapheth came forward. They said, “We were born in the wilderness, our father Zarapheth was faithful and good, who never turned away from God. But he had no sons, only daughters. While it goes against tradition and custom, we have been faithful and we would like to inherit our father's portion. And they Did! So the name Zarapheth identifies these daughters as standing up against the crowd, against tradition, to be faithful and endure. Good morning. I’m here to tell you about what Jesus did for our family. My mom had had such a tough life. She had been doing pretty well until my dad died. Then things started to get rough for her. A couple weeks after dad died, I got really sick as well, and everyone tells me that I died as well. My mom asked a few of her friends to help her by carrying my dead body out of the city gates, to the place she’d buried my dad. They had just left the gates of the city when they came upon this huge crowd of people heading towards the city. I guess my mom was making quite a scene, because the whole group stopped, and this guy, Jesus, asked my mom what was wrong. She told him, and he said that she didn’t need to cry anymore. Everything would be OK. Then he said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” and I did. Dead one minute, hugging my mom the next. That Jesus. One heck of a prophet is what everybody said about him. Mom did OK after that – she became a bit of a celebrity, because of me I guess. I’m sure glad Jesus came along at the right time. Thanks be to God for miracles. Luke 7:11-17 What is the difference between Charity and Compassion? Between Enabling Entitlement and Empowering? This woman had lost her husband and now her son, and with them all rights. She could be a beggar, dependent upon people's charity to keep her from dying, but instead Jesus returned her son to her. Sometimes our generosity and compromises do more harm than good. Sometimes returning from death to life means more than a heartbeat. So my mom was friends with this guy named Elisha. She was pretty old when I was born, and didn’t expect to have any more kids, but when Elisha told her to expect me, she didn’t have a choice. When I was about ten, I got this pounding headache, came out of nowhere. My head felt like it was going to explode. I ran out to find my dad working in the fields, crying, it felt so bad. He had a servant bring me to my mother, but by noon I was dead in her arms. Mom took me upstairs and laid me in the bed that Elisha had slept in and then set out to go find him, where he was working with some folks at Mount Carmel. When she got there, she wouldn’t tell anyone what was wrong, except Elisha. When he heard, Elisha sent his buddy, Gehazi, ahead of him, and told him to lay his staff on my head, see if that helped. It didn’t, so Gehazi returned to Elisha to tell him. So Elisha came himself. Once he got there, he asked everybody to leave him alone with me, and then the man began to pray. Then, I’ve been told, Elisha lay on top of me, mouth to mouth, eye to eye, hand to hand, and my body grew warm. He got up, paced a bit, and then did the same thing – lay on top of me. Weird as it might sound, once Elisha arose, I sneezed seven times and was back among the living again. My mom couldn’t stop thanking God. Thanks be to God for miracles. II Kings 4:20-37 Caring for people has a cost, it is intimate and personal. Elisha told Gehazi all the things to do, but he kept the dead body at a distance. Elisha, lay face to face, mouth to mouth, eye to eye. Communion, solidarity, is about more than saying we are committed, being part of the Body of Christ costs. I’m here to tell you about what happened to my buddy. One of my friends had died recently, and we were planning on burying him, when a bunch of Moabite raiders came riding hard up behind us. We’d dressed my buddy up in his best clothes to bury him, and we didn’t want the Moabites to steal my friend’s clothes, so we threw him in the pit that we were passing. Come to find out, the prophet Elisha was buried in that pit, and as soon as my friend’s body touched Elisha’s body, he jumped up out of that pit, as alive as ever. Almost scared us to death, but our friend is still with us. Thanks be to God for miracles. II Kings 13:21 Have any of you seen the film “Epic”. It's a wonderful cartoon movie about nature. The description at the beginning is that life is not about a battle between Good and Evil, sometimes it feels like that, but the real battle, at the most basic level is between Decay and Life. We as part of creation, die, we are mortal. We fight against it, but from the moment of our birth, we are aging. What happened when they put the body of this young man into the grave of Elisha, is that going through the motions of life, being afraid of death and afraid of their enemies, suddenly came up against Faith in God and nothing can withhold faith in God, not height, nor depth, nor fear, not even death. My name’s Lazarus. Let me tell you my story. You might know my sister, Mary. Well, she wrote to Jesus, and told him that I was really sick, but he didn’t come right away. When he finally got there, I’d been dead for four days. My sisters wanted me out of the house, because I was starting to really smell, so they’d already put me in my tomb. Martha, my other sister, went out to talk to Jesus. Jesus told her that I would be raised up. She told him that she understood all about the resurrection at the end of time, but she was hoping for something a little sooner than that. Jesus told her that he, Jesus, is the Resurrection and the Life, and that if she believed, it would happen. Martha went back and told Mary, and so when Jesus showed up, they took him to my tomb. That really got to Jesus. He was pretty mad, and he even cried a bit. He wanted to know why they’d stuck me in a tomb, and Mary explained about the smell. He told them to roll away the stone, and commanded me to come out. I shambled out, looking straight up zombie, wrapped in all of my grave clothes. Jesus told them to unwrap me and let me loose. Believe me, after that, everybody believed that Jesus was the miracle worker. Thanks be to God for miracles. John 11:1-44 It's funny, that when Jesus came to their home, the Bible records Martha served and Mary listened to Jesus as a disciple. BUT where was Lazarus? Sometimes, it seems as though the biggest thing in our life, is that we died. They were only 15 when they had a car accident. The baby was born and died. But the most important part of the Burial of Lazarus, Mary and Martha's brother, is that when Jesus got to the tomb, he WEPT. The point of Life is not whether or when or how we die, but that our lives and our deaths touch other people. I want to tell you about my daughter. When she was 12, she died. I was heartbroken. The neighbors all showed up with casseroles – all of us were sitting in the living room, talking over happier times and crying, when my husband shows up with this guy he’d been talking about, Jesus. So Jesus wants to know why all of these people are hanging around our house and we tell him, and Jesus says it isn’t true, that my daughter is only sleeping. Then he tells everybody to leave. I’m so upset, I just watch everybody leave. Jesus goes into my daughter’s room, along with my husband, myself and Jesus’ three buddies, Peter, James and John, and he grabs my daughter’s hand and says “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, get up.” And what does she do? She gets up and starts walking around! I mean, I was so excited. I thought my daughter was dead, and then she isn’t? Jesus, he just told us not to tell people what he’d done and give my daughter something to eat. Just happened that I had quite a few casseroles on hand. Thanks be to God for miracles! Mark 5:35-43 My name is Anna Margaret Biss, and I’m a miracle girl. When I was born, God only gave me half a heart to pump my blood. My mom and dad were scared, but not me. I had my first surgery when I was one day old – it took the surgeons six hours to fix my heart. My mom and dad prayed. The people of this church prayed. I came through with flying colors, even if it did take me a month to heal. When I was nine months old I had my second surgery, and my last surgery was just this year, in October. Like some of the people in the Bible, I was in need of healing in order to live, and with the help of some wonderful doctors and a whole lot of prayers, I’m pretty good to go now! My mom and dad thank God for me every day, and without the prayers of the people in this room, I might not have made it this far, but because of faith, I’m here today. When I grow up I’m gonna be a heart surgeon, so I can help other children like me. Thanks be to God for miracles! Hey. My name is Martha, and I’m from the Sudan. I’m here to tell you how God saved me from death. When I was six, my village was attacked by another tribe. My parents were at church, and I was staying at a neighbors with my three year old sister. We had to run away, so we wouldn’t be killed like my parents. A bunch of us got together and started walking from my village to Ethiopia. We had no food, no water, and had to walk through some very hot country. When we got to Ethiopia, things were not good there, either. The UN came, and helped out some, but there were too many of us, so my sister and I were moved to Kenya. It was there that we found out that many Sudanese boys had been sent to America – we wanted to go there, too! In Kenya, my sister and I had already been settled with a foster family, but I didn’t want to stay with them. They had already arranged a marriage for me, and I did not want that – what would happen to my sister if I married? So, I secretly applied to go to America with my sister. Our application was accepted, and here we are – with a husband I was free to choose, beautiful children, and no threat of starvation, or war. God, it seems, had found me when I needed him most, and provided me with the miracle I needed. Thanks be to God for miracles.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Power, Authority and Competition" June 2, 2013 Confirmation

I Kings 18: 17-39 Luke 7:1-10 Chris: The last several weeks, Rev. Lindsey had us read over these Bible stories again and again. He kept asking us to brood over them and think about what they meant. Grace: The one about the Centurion is about authority. This is an Officer among Soldiers in the Roman Legion everything about this guy, from his armor and sword, to his scars and muscles, screams of authority and is designed as symbols to invoke fear. Andrew: Yet, he is also someone who has compassion and cares about others. Not what the Roman Legion was known for! The people speak of his caring and empathy. This same Centurion has a servant, not even his own child, but a servant who was ill, and he asked Jesus to heal him. He believed in authority. If he had power to command troops into battle, and they went at his command, then if Jesus commanded his servant to be well, the Centurion believed he would get well. Emma: I am not sure if he really believed in Jesus, but he believed in power to make things happen, he believed Jesus could. And according to Jesus' words, that was all it takes. Elsa: The other is about Competition, a competition between the forces of God and faith in idols. Except, the King and Queen of Israel worshipped those idols. So part of the question is does it matter what we believe in? That is the question of today isn't it? In a time when every institution, all authority, are up for grabs, when there is competition in our time and commitment for what matters, what do we believe in and does it matter? Tate: When there were Tornados, I bet people prayed to God to be spared. Andrew: When the people were watching the Boston Marathon, and trying just to survive running the Marathon, and suddenly bombs exploded. When everyone was told to shelter down, to stay in one place, as two bombers roamed their neighborhoods. I would pray. Rachel: When Hurricane Sandy, excuse me “Superstorm Sandy” devastated 19 states, the people prayed. Grace: When a crazed gunmen went onto a school to kill children, that was reason to pray. Elsa: There is an awful lot of bad stuff happening all around us. Whether we believe in God, praying to God, does matter. Andrew: So how do we describe the greatest Competition we know? Tate: Well the greatest Competition each year is easy, it's the Superbowl. Chris: Yeah, but what is the Competition of the Superbowl between? Emma: What do you mean, the Superbowl is a competition between the two most winning teams of the year. Andrew: No it is not. The Superbowl may have started out being about Football, but a large percentage of those who watch the Superbowl, do not watch for the football, they watch for the commercials. Chris: I like the Puppies. Elsa: Do you remember last year's Superbowl, with the baby Clydesdale! And that guy who raised him, and loved the colt, and remembering his love for the horse he went to see him in the parade. But when they unhitched the horse, he took off down the street to find the man he loved. Emma: Yeah, but the greatest Superbowl commercial of all time was the one with the little kid imagining he was Darth Vader. Trying to use The Force to operate the Washer and Dryer. Trying to make his sister's doll fly. Finally, trying to start his dad's car, and the Dad pushed the remote, making him wonder. Rachel: So, if the Superbowl is not really about the competition between football teams,but between football and commercials, or between the show and the half-time show, or even between all the commercials, and the Superbowl takes place on a Sunday, then how can faith in God compete? Grace: What if, at next year's Superbowl, the announcer called everyone's attention at the start of half-time. Then the announcer asked that people remember all the things that have happened in the last year. Tate: Okay, but that is just going to make people feel sad, what do we do with people's sadness, with their loss? Elsa: What if we asked the whole world for a moment of silence? Chris: What if we asked people to think about their priorities, about what is important. Andrew: And if they know someone with whom they are angry, that instead of stewing about it, or talking to other people about it, if they would go and ask them directly, if they could find some way to compromise? Is there some way they can respect each other and work together for a different future?