Isaiah 49:1-7
John 1:29-42
We each bear many different identities, roles and responsibilities. There was a bit of chaos in the delivery room when I was born, so my Birth Certificate bears the identity BABY BOY. I know a woman in her late seventies who being the only child, born late in life, was given the Legal name “BABY”, at which point her parents became Mummy and Daddy, that identity changed and consumed who they were for all of life. Many of us are also, someone's little brother or sister, another's Older brother or sister. A High school graduate, which I had begun to wonder if it still had any merit, when this Christmas I met a couple new to our community, and as it turned out we had been part of the same graduating class, despite the fact we hardly known each other, and that was over 30 years ago, having a common origin became an identity of trust and affiliation. A College Graduation Diploma reads “With all the Rights, Responsibilities and Obligations Implied Unto by this Title”. Being someone's lover, partner, spouse, we live life differently. Being a Parent changes us not once, but over and over as they mature. I also have a Masters and Doctorate, and like any Elder or Deacon am Ordained , and am a Member of the Presbytery, Installed and accountable to you the people of this church, and to this community as a Pastor. The first time going to Africa three years ago, John's Father described his father had brought NEW IDEAS to their Tribe, so like him, I would not be named after a COW, but be named after a FRUIT BEARING TREE: DENGACHOL. Returning as a Christian Missionary, I was given identification as ABUNA (PRIEST, FATHER) and serving as Western Medical Personnel as DOCTOR, so in some cases DR.ABUNA.
The GOSPEL OF JOHN wrestles with the Question WHO IS JESUS, WHO IS THE MESSIAH, and in order to answer that question, the Disciples, each of us must question WHO ARE YOU, and WHAT DO WE SEEK?
Different from the other Gospels which Identify John as being the Baptizer, and narrate his Baptism of Jesus, the Gospel of John identifies him only as THE FORERUNNER OF JESUS, The Prophet who had declared he was unworthy to stoop to untie the sandal of the Christ, and who after the fact reflects upon what he was able to be part of doing.
In Baptism, not only is our sinful nature washed away, but we receive a new identity. John greets Jesus in the Marketplace “BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD”. What exactly John meant by this, we do not know. A Southern Lady, often describes her students and those she mentors as her LITTLE LAMBS. It was a term of affection and identification of Jesus' INNOCENCE BEFORE GOD. As a Prophet of God, John may have been granted incite to know that this one would be the SACRIFICE for all Humanity's Sins, possibly not to know the full implication of that, but he does Name Jesus as, THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD. And as HE WHO RANKS BEFORE ME. As well as , THE ONE ON WHOM I SAW THE SPIRIT DESCEND AS A DOVE. I did not know him, but the ONE WHO SENT ME REVEALED HIM.
John's Disciples who follow Jesus to see who Jesus is, call him RABBI: TEACHER. One of these, Andrew seeks out his brother Simon to say “WE HAVE FOUND THE MESSIAH, THE ANNOINTED ONE FROM GOD, THE CHRIST.”
In these 25 verses, John relates 10 different Identities, the two yet to come from Phillip and Nathaniel are SON OF GOD and SON OF MAN. Not only do these titles describe different relationships each has with him, but different expectations we each have. Some perceive GOD as CREATOR, some as JUDGE, some as REDEEMER, some as PURE INNOCENCE, others as SACRIFICE, some as SPIRIT, others as TEACHER, some as HOLY, others as ETERNAL.
In all of Scripture, there are few more HUMAN descriptions than Andrew and the Beloved Disciple sneaking after and following Jesus to find out who he is, only to run into him face to face, and have him ask point blank: “WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING?” Underneath all the other questions of life,
What do I want to be when I grow up,
What is worth dieing for,
Can I love and be loved, if so by whom,
Who am I,
is the question WHAT AE YOU SEEKING?
In Oh so very human avoidance, they respond, SO WHERE ARE YOU STAYING?
In fairness the question can also mean, “I want to be like you, in fellowship with you, will you take me in?” And without question, Jesus offers the Invitation “COME AND SEE” because Faith is only something you can know by living.
All too often, we take for granted our identities and responsibilities.
The couple who have been married along time, and begin not only taking each other for granted, but their romance and their relationship, as well.
The career you entered into, with gusto and exuberance. You were going to save humanity, and set the world on fire with your passion.
The child, who changed your life forever, who now you hardly speak to, calling on holidays and birthdays.
In the Old Testament time of Isaiah, the people had come to believe,
“We used to be a Superpower, a great Nation that others knew and revered. But our economy is failing, we have been at war so long the people tire of bloodshed. Rather than motivating allegiance, the election of our leaders dissuades people.” And the Nation of Israel, came to claim the identity of being a people of faith. No longer a Great Nation, now only a people who praise God and are scattered and hidden across the face of the earth.
But we need to be careful with identifications like ONLY a PEOPLE WHO PRAISE GOD.
Isaiah reminds us that God raised up Israel from slaves. Abraham was as old as dirt and as fertile as a rock, Sarah beyond the age of giving birth had never conceived, yet with God all things are possible.
God could form a new nation from the corners of the earth. God could use those dispersed as a light to other nations.
Returning home this week from doing surgery at a Clinic we had built in Sudan, I would admit to feeling a little full of myself. There are moments of pride, when you are overwhelmed by what we have all done together. Like when your child graduates College, or gets married, or returns from a tour of military duty. Listening as Chiefs and Governments spoke of how they had begged for assistance for years and NO ONE responded until we offered this promise and built this Clinic and now were providing Health Care with possibilities of TB Testing and Treatment, and a Blood Bank, and HIV testing, Physical Therapy, and the only site in all Africa for Hook Work Vaccine. When someone brought me back to earth with the question: “Don't you think there are problems here at home, we should pay attention to?”
That afternoon Chaz Parker was here from the Rescue Mission, where many of us have volunteered, and some have written grants for expansion of their services. That afternoon, we counseled with colleagues questioning how pointless it seems to fight against frustrations, counseled ministers who struggled with their own faith in God, and who struggle with the human temptations we all face. Yesterday morning, every Local Government leader and Police and Fire and Saves member donated their blood motivated by a police officer in the hospital.
And the point of Isaiah, as well as Jesus' response to those seeking to know him asking “What do you seek” is that the answer is YES, BOTH. It is too little a thing, for us to be community of praise, our doors open only of Sunday. It is too little a thing for us to imagine ourselves ONLY as an agent of Mission in Africa. For just as we each h individually have identities and responsibilities in our lives, so also as the Church. It is TOO LITTLE A THING for us to remain as we have been, God is using us, ALMIGHTY GOD is using US as a LIGHT TO THE NATIONS.
But if we do so, ONLY as our wanting to do our thing, for my child to have a Nursery School, for my child to go to Confirmation, to build a Clinic, IT IS TOO LITLE A THING. The point is not doing MORE STUFF, Ministering to Problems and Programs Locally and around the World, but doing so IN RESPONSE to where God LEADS US. Riding on the plane home to you, I suddenly realized all the circumstances of life have not been my intent or desire. Having spent summers in FULTON and Syracuse as A CHILD, I never knew where Skaneateles was, or that I would your pastor. My older brother and my wife each went to AFRICA I had no desire or imagination of going, let alone twice. Preparing to leave, my family had chided that I get sick at the sight of blood. But this is where God sent us and how God has used us for God's Plan.
I do not imagine God causes people suffering. This one to have Cancer. This place to burn in riot and war. But I DO BELIEVE God uses the experiences of our lives for us to know more and more of what we are capable of, and to challenge us to love, acting in faith. WHAT DO YOU SEEK IN LIFE? It is too little, COME AND SEE WHAT GOD OFFERS.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
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