Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Immanuel, December 23, 2007

Isaiah 7:10-16
Matthew 1:18-25
There are those moments, precious and brief in this season, when everything we imagine is done.
All the cards have been sent, the packages delivered, every box is wrapped and bow is tied, Carols sung, cookies baked and frosted, children tucked into bed dreaming of Christmas and mystical flying rheindeer;
We know that in an instant, there will be screams of joy, tearing of paper, consumption of everything new.
But, what no photo can capture, no Video, or recording, are those moments when everything glitters, when all is done. All the hours of searching for a parking space, waiting in line to sit on Santa's lap, the wish lists mailed, the shopping, efforts to try to be especially good, all hang in the balance in those moments, as we wait in expectant joy and REACT to the WRAPPINGS.
There is difference, between the reality of wishes fulfilled and expectant joy; and seeing, hoping, wonder.

But what occurred to me in the wrapping of gifts, is the filling out of the card.
We always write TO and FROM. There are so many childhood memories of sorting and stacking piles with YOUR NAME, and recognizing which are from Mom and Dad, which are from your brother or sister, aunt and uncle and searching for which might be from that special someone. BUT the point of our Scriptures this day, is also to know, appreciate and understand WHAT IS GIVEN, the Meaning Behind the Gift.
Written in an archaic language, taken out of context, accepted and incorporated into our culture, we perceive these as PERSONAL NAMES, Wrappings, as if the identification MADE the person inside.

Especially with names as steeped in Tradition and NEW TESTAMENT Interpretation as these, we need to appreciate the original setting and meaning, otherwise the whole Old Testament becomes only a one dimensional reflection setting up the New, and we deny thousands of years of history, the faith and culture of our ancestors and of other relious people.

In recent weeks a story grabbed International attention, because a teacher in a Muslim Nation encouraged her children to name a stuffed teddy bear Mohammed. In Western Culture to have a pet or stuffed animal named after you is considered a great honor, the Teddy Bear is named in honor of Pres.Teddy Roosevelt. But according to the Koran of the Muslim People, the name of “Mohammed” refers to “Prophet of God”, as such many children are named Mohammed, but it is against their religious laws, a violation of all that is sacred, to give that name to an inanimate object that cannot feel, or to an animal that is not human. Not understanding the identity of the gift, the reason for the Name, she violated what was sacred what was holy.

According to the Old Testament, King Ahaz grandson of King Uzziah, stood at the brink of WAR on TWO FRONTS. Either side outnumbered them, and they were to be attacked by both simultaneously. When suddenly up walks ISAIAH the Priest and Prophet, who declares that neither of these armies can destroy the People of God. Isaiah asks the King, if the King needs a sign of assurance, a word, something to let him know this not a war of armies, a battle of soldiers, but a demonstration of faith, of the power of God. Ahaz arrogantly dismisses faith as irrellevant to politics, to war. What a marvelous retorte from Isaiah, “IS IT SO LITTLE A THING THAT YOU WEARY HUMANITY, THAT YOU CANNOT WEARY GOD A LITTLE?” Then Isaiah offers a prophecy about time, when certain events will take place. The King's newest, youngest bride is still a child, not yet able to conceive, when she does, she will bear a son, and call his name “IMMANU” = “WITH US”, “EL” “God”. The child will grow up, in the Land of Milk and Honey, learning righteousness, so as to be able to choose right from wrong. Because before this child, not yet conceived as a son of this young bride not yet able to conceive, before he is grown to be able to choose right from wrong, both of the lands of the kings you fear will be deserted. How long do you suppose?
Over and over again the Prophet tried in vain to say, “We are blessed by God.” “We live in a Promised land of Milk and Honey” “God IS WITH US”, “Fear NOT”. But the ing could not listen, could not hear. He saw only the WRAPPINGS OF WAR, Counting the Numbers, rather than the meaning or relationship.

In a later time, Matthew takes up these identifications, once again prophesying FEAR NOT, GOD WITH US, Our LIVES ARE BLESSED.
Matthew begins his telling of who the Messiah is, and what difference CHRIST makes, by starting in the MOST HUMAN WAY. Beginning with our children at holidays, and again when we become adults researching historic genealogies, we search for IDENTITY in our relationships. This is your Mother and your Father, your Grandmother and Great great Grandfather. You are descended from kings, from King David and from Abraham.
Then Matthew tries yet again, by telling of the VERY HUMAN way Jesus was born.
The morning of my birth, during labor my mother threw a blood clot and died.
When my eldest was born on the morning of the 4th of July, there were fireworks outside the window, and tapes of Favorite Music (Vivaldi, and the Beach Boys, Beatles and Jazz) playing.
I shared in the delivery of each of our children, hugging my wife as they were born.
So the idea of going to Sudan immediately at Christmas to learn and to teach how to perform C-Sections and care for Mothers and Infants so that more will live and be healthy seems very much in keeping.

Matthew tells the story of Jesus birth emphasizing that Joseph was a RIGHTEOUS MAN.
Our concept of Being Righteous has been wrapped up in SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS.
There is a subtle distinction between ETHICS and MORALS and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
ETHICS is about the DEBATE between the merits of RIGHT & WRONG. Choosing among Gray shades.
The ETHICAL PERSON considers both sides of an argument, weighing the implications and meanings.
Whereas the MORAL PERSON, knows what is right and wrong and chooses the right.
The RIGHTEOUS follows Religious LAW. The Ancient Books of LEVITICUS and DEUTERONOMY named what was KOSHER and what was NOT, how to HOLY, and what it is to be SET APART FOR GOD.

The question before him was not whether he loved Mary or not, whether he would stay with her or not.
THE LAW dictated that if a woman were found to be with child from someone other than her husband, she would be stoned to death. So the question before Joseph is whether he loves God and will remain faithful to the Law and WILL PUT HER TO DEATH, MORE than he loves Mary whom he wanted to spend his life with as Husband and Wife. Reminiscent of Abraham sarificing Isaac, this is a test of JOSEPH's Faith in God.

No matter how righteous, or right a descision, ending a relationship is hard. And in a DREAM Joseph hears the words FEAR NOT, He shall be called Immanuel (GOD WITH US) and You are to Name him Jesus. Now Jesus is also an ancient Name, the root of which is JOSHUA meaning GOD SAVES, so before birth, this Child of RIGHTEOUSNESS, through JOSEPH a Decendent of King David, is identified as SAVIOR. If there were a GIFT TAG on this PRECIOUS GIFT it would be TO: THE WORLD, FROM: GOD, FOR SALVATION.

Ironically, as much as history and culture have elevated the VIRGIN BIRTH of MARY, in that culture at that time the role of NAMING ordinarily came through the Mother. FOR JOSEPH to name the Child is an act of ADOPTION as His son. SO whether born of Mary and Joseph, Adopted by God; or born of Mary and the Holy Spirit adopted by Joseph, becaomes one and the same. The difference between LUKE's GOSPEL and MATTHEW's is not only a difference of SHEPHERDS versus KINGS ROM THE EAST, ANGELS versus a STAR. According to LUKE, Mary's response is LET IT BE TO ME AS ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD. Where, Luke's Gospel demands ACTION from Believers. “Joseph, Fear Not, Take Mary as Your Wife, Take this Child and Name Him SAVIOR.

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