Sunday, November 12, 2017
"Witnesses Against Ourselves" November 12, 2017
Joshua 24: 1-25
Matthew 25:1-13
With Only so few opportunities for worship in a given year, last week we began describing Joshua’s continuing Moses’ leadership; and this morning we pick up 30 years later, decades filled with fighting battles against the Canaanites, internal struggles of a new Nation as Joshua aged. This passage began: “God had given rest from all their enemies”, meaning this was a time of peace and prosperity. These words provide transition from the completion of the Torah and Joshua (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua) of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Law of Moses // to the start of the histories of The Judges, when the Old Testament’s Great heroes would be called upon: Gideon and Samson, Deborah, Jotham, Ebimelech, Jephthah, Boaz, Ruth, Eli and Samuel who would anoint the King.
A time in history, when each person did what they thought right in their own mind; 350 years when people routinely pledged to be faithful then turned away from God.
In this time of Peace and Thanksgiving before Joshua should pass, Joshua acts as a mouthpiece for God, recounting all that God has done for the people of faith. Joshua bore a unique role as much Witness as prophet. Joshua was present beside Moses at the 1st Passover, and again at the Red Sea, when God provided Manna in the wilderness, when God brought victory so long as Moses lifted up his arms to the Lord. Joshua was at Mount Sinai when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. And after Moses’ burial, Joshua led the people through Circumcision, and across the Jordan; Joshua was among the Spies sent into Jericho, and throughout the many battles taking possession of the land, until each tribe had their own territory.
Joshua had witnessed all the many Commitments of the people to serve God; AND Joshua had witnessed each time the people followed their fears instead of God. When the Nation crossed the Jordan, God instructed that the wars to come were Holy Wars between God Almighty versus the Canaanite Idols and a sinful people, therefore the Hebrews were instruments of God, and were to take nothing for themselves. They would have the land flowing with Milk and Honey, which was promised them and it would be for their salvation, they did not need Canaanite trophies. We do not often speak of the conquest at the City of Ai, because one of the Soldiers found a cup from the Canaanites and put it in his bag, for which the people of Israel were sent back into the wilderness another 40 days and nights to purify themselves, being reminded of their dependence upon God before coming to Jericho.
In this time of rest and peace and prosperity, when all the tribes were settled in the land, Joshua invites the people to “Reconsider Covenant.” This is different from all the other Covenants; as the Covenant with Adam, with Noah, with Abraham, with Isaac and Jacob, as well as the Covenant with Moses at the Burning Bush and on Sinai with the 10 Commandments, had all been Covenants offered by God to singular individuals representing humanity, Israel. HOWEVER, here the Covenant in a time of Thanksgiving, asks all the people to consider if they can and will be a People of God?
Having recounted all that God has done, in thanksgiving, the people chant “We Do.” But Joshua challenges them, knowing their fickle nature, their lack of commitment and follow through. To be a people of God is not only to be born into it, to be circumcised, and to worship God, but to care for the poor, the orphaned and widowed, those in need, to treat everyone equitably and fairly, not in fear of strangers, but with trust and humbly repenting when others feel wronged.
At times, I think we go about pledging our stewardship and nominating Elders and Deacons in the wrong way. You know what I mean, we often promise: “It’s not a big deal. Only one meeting a month. Making a pledge we will send you a statement, but it is not a bill.” Instead, Joshua challenges “Revere and Fear the Lord! Serve God with sincerity and faithfulness. Put away all other gods. You cannot serve the Lord, for God is Holy and jealous, unwilling to forgive transgressed sins.” You are not chosen because of your family, or your character, the great things you personally accomplished. Instead, you are chosen to set aside your desires, and to compromise your will to that of the Lord. As Joshua prepares to die, he challenges the people that he will no longer be there, so they need to plan to be Witnesses Against Themselves.
Jesus’ parable this morning strikes me as odd. Is this really how we want to identify ourselves? “You know those Presbyterians always HOARDING and Stockpiling. PLANNERS anticipating they will never have enough.”
Jesus has just warned about Authorities taking advantage for their own egos & gain. In this same chapter he is going to tell the Parable of the Last Judgment, immediately after which is the Last Supper, then Jesus goes to pray and P, James, John fall asleep.
All meaning that this parable of the Bridegroom Coming is the Day of Judgment,
but while 5 are described as Wise and 5 Foolish, all 10 fell asleep waiting, so the Judgment can not be as simple as forfalling asleepwaiting for the Lord.
The Boy Scout motto of “Always Be Prepared” by carrying a flask of OIL but not sharing suggests Selfishness and Hoarding as Virtues, which fly in the face of the other parables about a Mustard seed of faith being enough, and 5 fish and 2 loaves being enough. So I do not think it is about possessing quantities of stored oil.
Instead, when I was in Israel, I purchased this Lamp which is over 1700 years old. An OIL LAMP only stays lit with oil in the reservoir, otherwise the wick lights and goes out. You cannot be a Light set on a hill, if there is no LOVE left in you. I believe Jesus is naming that at times, we all risk spiritual dryness. Where do you find faith, when you have been giving and giving, without allowing yourself to be fed?
If the only conversations you have had with the person you love, have been about bills and doctors’ appointments, there is nothing filling your tank.
If the arrow on the gas tank points to E, you are running out of gas.
If the 2 year old does not get a nap, they are going to have a melt-down.
It is possible to work 80 hour workweeks indefinitely, but your relationships, your intelligence and your imagination are all going to suffer.
The unwillingness of the Wise Bridesmaids to share is the lesson learned by every student, you can borrow somebody else’s notes, they can write a paper for you, but “Graduating” you did not get anything out of it.
You cannot go up to someone who seems to have a great marriage to borrow a cup. Replenishing your tank requires work, daily work, just as choosing to Re-Covenant, we are witnesses against ourselves, and we know when we have been feeding our ego, rather than feeding the poor;
worrying about appearances rather than clothing the naked.
Dark times come in every life, but do we sit in the darkness nursing our sores, or shall we minister to others, getting outside ourselves?
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